Mitä länsimaat menettivät klassisen tyylin katoamisessa


June 30, 2019 by Ville Raivio

Kuka muu paitsi G. Bruce Boyer? Hän on Amerikan lahja tyylijournalismille ja mielestäni taitavin alallaan, joten olkoon se hän, joka kertoo pitkän esseen muodossa, mitä länsimaat ovat menettäneet, kun klassinen tyyli on vaihtunut mahdollisimman mukaviin, kahiseviin, teknisiin urheiluvaatteisiin tai T-paitoihin farkkujen kera.

Pukimo Raivion tuotteita

Latini, hevosennahkatakki, koko 50
Aspinal, olkalaukku, vasikannahkaa

Suora esimerkillinen lainaus esseestä, joka Keikarin seuraajan tulisi lukea:

”How is it that we have gone from wearing suits and ties to the office to wearing T-shirts, baseball caps, and a variety of military garments and ranch hand wardrobes? Everyone who’s ever perused photos of baseball games (or almost any other crowded venue for that matter) in an old Life magazine from the mid-twentieth century finds it remarkable that the majority of men in the crowd are wearing white shirts and ties, and business hats (a category of menswear now extinct). The metamorphosis over such a relatively short time to polo shirts and cargo shorts on most of the crowd is a bit staggering, almost as though we were looking at two different species. The history, the sociology, the psychology of dress all seem to come rushing in to confound my thoughts. But then I’m not alone.”



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Pukimo Raivio.

Vain kaunis elämä on elämisen arvoinen.

Pukimo Raivio.
"If John Bull turns around to look at you, you are not well dressed; but either too stiff, too tight, or too fashionable."
~ Beau Brummell



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Pukimo Raivio.