Miksikö miehet eivät enää pukeudu?


July 27, 2018 by Ville Raivio

”It used to be rather simple and time-saving: a man would get up in the morning, put on his business uniform – dark suit, white shirt and tie, black cap toes – and go to work. If he wanted to incorporate a few personal touches, like a natty pocket square or somewhat intricate wristwatch, fine. But he didn’t need to spend a great deal of time worrying whether or not his mock turtleneck was appropriate with his canvas gamekeepers jacket, or whether he should wear his leather blousson with the pastel gabs or the jewel-tone, narrow-wale cords, or what sort of footwear would be appropriate with the peacock blue stretch denims. Today, with all the high-tech innovations and information at our fingertips, it would seem that many men actually don’t know what to wear. I mean, they can’t dress themselves because they no longer know what’s appropriate for virtually any occasion except weight-training.”

Pukimo Raivion tuotteita

Latini, hevosennahkatakki, koko 50
Aspinal, olkalaukku, vasikannahkaa

— maineikas tyylikolumnisti, -konsultti ja -kirjailija G. Bruce Boyer


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Pukimo Raivio.

Vain kaunis elämä on elämisen arvoinen.

Pukimo Raivio.
"If John Bull turns around to look at you, you are not well dressed; but either too stiff, too tight, or too fashionable."
~ Beau Brummell



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Pukimo Raivio.