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April 19, 2023 by Ville Raivio

Tämän päivän historiallinen lainaus on peräisin Cecil Willett Cunningtonilta, joka oli oman aikansa arvostetuin vaatehistorioitsija Britanniassa. Hänen erinomaiset tietokirjansa, joita hyllystäni löytyy, sekä tarkat havaintonsa olivat vuosikymmenten keräilyn ja tutkimuksen tulosta.

Pukimo Raivion tuotteita

Latini, hevosennahkatakki, koko 50
Aspinal, olkalaukku, vasikannahkaa

“If we analyse the various methods of attraction employed in Woman’s costume we see that they are designed either to draw attention to the wearer herself, or designed to draw attention to some particular region of her body… As we survey this aspect of the Art of Costume during the last six centuries, we cannot but notice the immense pains taken by women to draw attention to their physical allurements and chiefly by the method of localised appeal… It is natural that for the purpose of sex-appeal Woman’s costume should so habitually draw attention to her distinctive characteristic – the curve – as exemplified by the shape of her breasts, the waist and the hips… Never has this Art forgotten its primitive function, to attract Man, and, we may add, never has it failed to accomplish its purpose.”

The Art of English Costume (1948)


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Pukimo Raivio.

Vain kaunis elämä on elämisen arvoinen.

Pukimo Raivio.
"If John Bull turns around to look at you, you are not well dressed; but either too stiff, too tight, or too fashionable."
~ Beau Brummell



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