J.H. Thornton’s Textbook of Footwear Manufacture


July 8, 2015 by Ville Raivio

The Honourable Cordwainers’ Company is an American non-profit organization for all shoemakers who care about the Gentle Craft and its golden, traditional principles. What makes The HCC interesting is their dedication and online archives, whose golden scans include the free, full, famous shoemaking guide edited by J.H. Thornton, the past Head of the Boot and Shoe Department at the Northampton College of Technology. While the Textbook of Footwear Manufacture was published in 1953, not too much has changed in shoemaking since those days. The book’s very detailed and lengthy explanations are gold for all who care about shoes and want to know all. Some 600 pages deal with shoe materials, constructions, lasts, patterns, designs, machines, designs, buying and selling, stitching, quality control, shoe parts, lasting, welting, heels, cleaning, repairing, and finishing.

Products from Pukimo Raivio

Kiton, grey sports jacket, size 50EU
Ralph Lauren, Black Label suit, size 52EU

In short, this is the real deal for shoemakers and shoe hobbyists all around.

Head over to the HCC for knowledge: http://www.thehcc.org/library.htm


  1. Ville Raivio says:

    Hello there,

    the book is not for sale on this blog. Please follow the link to THCC’s website where you can download the book for free.

  2. looking for purchase of the book.Could you please tell us the price of the book and mode of payment in India?

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Pukimo Raivio.

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"If John Bull turns around to look at you, you are not well dressed; but either too stiff, too tight, or too fashionable".

Pukimo Raivio.
~ Beau Brummell
