‘Links’ Category

  1. Why American Workers Now Dress So Casually


    June 30, 2019 by Ville Raivio

    Leave it to The Atlantic, one of the last quality journals left in America, to come up with interesting titles. …
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  2. Keikari on Grailed


    March 22, 2019 by Ville Raivio

    I have joined Grailed, the oddly-named platform for collectors and addicts of men’s clothing. Keikari’s page lists many things collected …
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  3. G. Bruce Boyer’s life as a style writer


    June 26, 2018 by Ville Raivio

    Today’s question: what has the act of writing about men’s tailored clothing taught G. Bruce Boyer? In the collection of …
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  4. Keikari has returned to Facebook


    April 21, 2018 by Ville Raivio

    After a short break, Keikari has returned to Facebook. There I will share more or less inspiring style photos as …
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  5. Ralph Lauren and the necktie


    July 18, 2017 by Ville Raivio

    Ralph Lauren has many fans. His career began in 1967 with a range of neckties, and some two years later …
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Pukimo Raivio.

Only a beautiful life is worth living.

"If John Bull turns around to look at you, you are not well dressed; but either too stiff, too tight, or too fashionable".

Pukimo Raivio.
~ Beau Brummell
