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  1. Ville Raivio says:


    you are mistaken. I don’t make clothing. I am a writer only and you must have confused me with someone whose interview has been published on this site.

  2. Michael Lacey says:

    I would like information on your hats, prices? Length of time to age? Deposit, etc.

  3. Hello
    P S – I was trolling ,looking to see if there was something new on Fellows when
    l encountered you effort . Thank You RA

  4. Ville Raivio says:


    That maker is unknown to me. You could ask about the pair from the Northampton Shoe Museum or from the guy who runs the Vintageshoesaddict web site.

  5. K.Stevens says:

    Hi there. You have a lovely website and I have a question. I recently bought a pair of vintage K shoes (60s-70s)- Men’s size 13, wingtip(ish) in mint green and green/black with little black tassels on the mint green laces. I can tell they’re old – they have a leather sole and upper. So, my question is: are K Shoes English? Do you know how I might research these shoes? I’m not getting anywhere by myself – which is why I’m bothering you. Thanks K

  6. Ville Raivio says:


    my thanks!

  7. Av says:

    I missed the pair of Nikolaus Tuczek’s on eBay this morning but considering you’re a fan I thought I’d let you know so you could hunt the pictures while they are still available. Best Wishes

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Pukimo Raivio.

Only a beautiful life is worth living.

"If John Bull turns around to look at you, you are not well dressed; but either too stiff, too tight, or too fashionable".

Pukimo Raivio.
~ Beau Brummell
