Tuohon ruskeat kengät kaupungissa keskusteluun. Henkilö, jonka mielipiteet menevät itselläni muiden mielipiteiden yli on Jeremy Hackett.
Herra Hacketilla on oma blogi ja blogissaan hän kirjoittaa näin:
One of the sartorial questions I’m most often asked is a conundrum that has been mulled over since time immemorial: can you wear brown in town? More specifically, can brown or tan shoes such as suede brogues or boots be paired with a suit when in the City?
In this day and age - and unless you work for an incredibly stuffy stockbroker - then I think it is acceptable to wear brown shoes in town. However, I would choose a darker brown suede whenever possible, and make sure not to wear boots when wearing a suit as they look a little clumsy.
Jos Jeremy sanoo näin, niin pakko sen on näin olla... :)
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